Sunday, October 29, 2017

Finding the MTC groove

Hey Mom!

Man, it's already been a week? That's crazy. So many things have happened over this past week, so this may be a longer email, but hey, Sean was a good bad example ;)

I'll start off with the business stuff. We started TRC Investigators this week, which are essentially BYU students that come here to be taught by missionaries as a part-time job. Some are members, some aren't, but we have to meet with each one 4 times a week. Elder Benesch and I had two girls, Arielle and Emily. Emily was a challenge, because she didn't really believe in God and didn't like praying, so we had to share our testimonies on the power of prayer with her. One day, she said she was wondering how she could feel peaceful, and how mormons are always so happy. We basically told her about priesthood blessings and personal prayers, and how they help us. She seemed interested in that. Arielle, on the other hand, had faith that God existed, and that he loved us. We thought all of her lessons would be a breeze, but one day, she came in all depressed and said she was having a hard time in school and felt worthless and unloved. We were really touched by this and taught her about the atonement and how Jesus suffered all of our sorrows and pains, and how he understands them perfectly. It really seemed to lift her up, and by the next lesson she was gleeful and even said the closing prayer. We have 2 new ones this week, Scott and Daryl (who's female), so we'll see how that goes. We heard from Matthew Holland and Elder Stevenson of the twelve this week. They each gave great talks and our district was talking about them afterward.

Okay now the fun stuff. Remember that alarm clock you got me? The really old-fashioned one? Well he's a LOT louder than we expected, and we all nearly had a heart attack the first morning we used him. We named him "Big Ben", and now he haunts our residence. We sleep in fear every night, knowing that he could shriek silver screams in our ears at any second. Elder Hunt's mom sent him a pumpkin, who we now call "Harold". He protects us as long as we keep things spooky. Elder Anderson and Elder Ayre are a bit girl-crazy, always admiring Sisters from afar. Speaking of crazy, the district down our hall is insane, worshiping their "Bro Code" and punishing all who violate it, even without knowledge of doing so. We get gym time every day, and Elder Benesch and I dominate at volleyball, but one day I just didn't have the sauce, y'know? So I missed a ball and it got kicked into my face accidentally and my nose started bleeding. We were laughing about it for a while. We're always up late at night because we're laughing so hard, and the Sisters in our district have no idea why we're giggling at the breakfast table. It's going to be weird leaving here a week from Wednesday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAIA! (our little doggie)  I hope you got spoiled, and got all the presents you asked for! I miss you so much, and all the Sisters in my district think you're adorable. (Btw, I started the joke of calling the Sisters "Seesters", so credit to me on that one)

Well, I'm going to spend the next week trying to burn that picture of Dad out of my mind with bleach, so wish me luck on that!  (I sent him a picture of Matt's ridiculous Roller Derby halloween costume)


Elder Keddington (E)
ALSO! There was a man ushering at the devotionals who looks exactly like Donald Trump. He had the weird hair and everything.
It's so great to hear that he is finding his way at the MTC - and is loving it!  Lots of prayers were offered on his behalf to help him with his homesickness and Heavenly Father answered them abundantly.  We are so very grateful!
Our district with Big Ben

Glasses from his Halloween Package


Some cool, bronzed, worn-out missionary shoes

Matthew Holland


Saturday, October 21, 2017

A whole new world!

Hi Mom! 

The MTC is WAY different than I thought it would be. The first few days are so hard for someone who doesn't socialize much like me, but as long as you're friends with your companion/district, you'll get better each day. I've already had so many cool experiences here, it's unreal. I was feeling really depressed and had major anxiety the first day here, so when we met our Branch Presidency on the second night, I asked the First Counselor Brother Hoggan (hoag-un) to give me a blessing. I still get a bit sad every now and then, but I remember the blessing he gave me and my district supports me a lot. We had a class with one of our teachers, Sister Hanshaw, and I really opened up and said I was grateful for their friendship and to be in their company. That made Sister Hanshaw a bit teary-eyed. 

My companion is Elder Benesch (ben-ish) and he's from Farmington. He really likes to ski and do outdoorsy stuff. He's kinda like a mix of Austin Bush and Caden's brother Tanner. We have ten people in our district; six elders and four sisters. besides me and Elder Benesch, there's Elder Hunt (who has the most contagious laugh), Elder Sonne (like 'Johnny'. He's really funny and cool), Elder Ayre (who has apparently been to our house, but neither of us remember such a thing), and our district leader, Elder Anderson. He's done one year at BYU and he's the most genuine guy I've ever met. He cares about all of us, and it's amazing. We all love joking around and talking about movies, specifically dumb ones like Hot Rod :D

The sisters are Sister Udy (yoo-dee), who's really sarcastic and chill, Sister Robinson, who's really bubbly and funny, Sister Freeman, who has a really strong spirit about her, and Sister Beverlin, who's the oldest out of any of us. She's pretty quiet but she too has a strong spirit. 
These new buildings at the MTC are HUGE and amazing. There's a mural on each floor of different things; like Moses walking with the people of Israel through the parted sea, or Nephi praying to know how to help his family. I have pictures of them, but they're on my camera, which I can't connect to the computer, so I'll have to send them later.

The Cafeteria is pretty good. There's a new item every meal, and we haven't had the same thing twice yet. There's a drink wall with all sorts of juices, sodas, and milks. Everyone goes for chocolate milk. We usualy have classes during our day, and they go for about three hours at atime, but it never feels like a drag. Our other teacher, Brother McKenzie, shares funny stories.  We scheduled meetings with practice investigators yesterday, and one of them, Emily, has been to London and found a TARDIS on the sidewalk just sitting there. I'm jealous. 

It's been a really good few days so far! I still get a bit homesick, but I know it'll get better. I'll try and get a picture with Brother Hoggan, and i'll send the pictures from my tablet rightly.


Elder Connor Keddington (B)

Shower Hair

Class with Brother McKenzie

A Familiar Flag (Ghana)

Elders Benesch and Keddington

Big 'Ol Daddy Long Legs

Temple Trip

Dr. Pepper is always watching...what a creeper!

Elders Benesch, Keddington, Hunt, Sonne, Anderson, Ayre and Sisters Beverlin, Freeman, Udy, & Robinson

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mission: Day 1

Today, Elder Connor Keddington began serving his mission.  He has been called to serve in the Oregon Portland Mission.  He is excited and we are excited for him.  It's never easy to send them off, but we have a much different perspective on it this time around.  By the time we got home from dropping him off, we had an email waiting:

Alrighty then. I've made it to the MTC in one piece. My P-Days here are on Saturday, so a bit different. It's pretty nice here so far, but the boys in my room left me with the top bunk; their mistake. Hopefully all transpires well here and I do well in my classes. I'll bring home a good Report Card.

This has been: Connor's First Email Home.

Elder Connor Keddington (B)
This kid has a great sense of humor and is going to be a great missionary!


Elder Hodson was his host
