Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mission: Day 1

Today, Elder Connor Keddington began serving his mission.  He has been called to serve in the Oregon Portland Mission.  He is excited and we are excited for him.  It's never easy to send them off, but we have a much different perspective on it this time around.  By the time we got home from dropping him off, we had an email waiting:

Alrighty then. I've made it to the MTC in one piece. My P-Days here are on Saturday, so a bit different. It's pretty nice here so far, but the boys in my room left me with the top bunk; their mistake. Hopefully all transpires well here and I do well in my classes. I'll bring home a good Report Card.

This has been: Connor's First Email Home.

Elder Connor Keddington (B)
This kid has a great sense of humor and is going to be a great missionary!


Elder Hodson was his host


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